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NMMS Practices Book 2 With Solution

Bhavesh Chothani
3 minute read
NMMS Exam Notification 2017 Declared - National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Exam acronym as NMMS Exam is sponsored by Central Government and is conducted by the local educational authority to award (The amount of scholarship is proposed to be Rs.6000 per annul @Rs.500 per month.) 1,00,000 scholarships (from class IX till class XII for a maximum period of four years) to the gifted or meritorious students whose parental income is not more than Rs.1,50,000 per annum from all sources. 

Each State / UT shall have a reserved quota of scholarships which are decided on the basis of enrollment of students in Class VII and VIII in the State/UT concerned and the population of children of the concerned age group of class VII and VIII. The scheme would provide reservations to different categories of students as per the State / UT norms; as different States / UTs have their own norms of reservation.

National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Exam Notification 2017 synoptically the method adopted by the Government to implement the scheme is as follows: Scholarship: Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of performance in the examination to be held in 2017. in all revenue divisions in the state. 
Reservation: State reservation norms will be implemented for the award of scholarships in each district (a caste certificate from Mandal Revenue Ocer has to be submitted by the candidate as proof in Original).

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