NEET Answer Key for Phase 1 |
Note: The question paper will have 180 questions of physics, chemistry and biology, and each question will carry four marks. For every correct answer, candidates will get 4 marks and for each incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted from the total score. No mark will be deducted from the total score if a candidate leaves the question unanswered in the answer sheet.Candidates can check the unofficial NEET Phase 1 Solutions /Answer Key or AIPMT 2016 keys from below Links, just click on the links below:
NEET 2016 (Phase 1 ) Given Below By Indias Best Institute Given Below Link:
- NEET 2016 (Phase 1 ) BY ALLEN
- NEET 2016 (Phase 1 ) BY AAKASH
- NEET 2016 (Phase 1 ) BY Entrance Corner
- NEET 2016 (Phase 1 ) BY Rao IIT Academy
- NEET 2016 (Phase 1 ) BYResonance
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