District Health Society, Kheda- Nadiad has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Posts :
Data Entry Operator Immunisation (R.C.H.) : 01 PostM.S. Office , M.S.Word, Basic Skill in Office Management and Filling, System, Excell, Power point and Access Database operating graphic knowledge, Good speed of computer typing in Gujarati and English language. Salary : Rs. 8000/- per month.
Computer Operator cum Clerk : 01 PostComputer software (Accounting,M.S.Office) and hardware knowledge, Basic skill in office management and filling system, Data entry and Good speed of Computer typing in Gujarati & English Language.Salary : Rs. 6000/- per month.
Taluka Accountant : 02 PostComputer Software (Accounting, Tally software, M.S. Office, G.I.A.S. RCH) and Hardware knowledge, Basic skill in office management and filling system ,Data entry and Good speed of Computer typing in Gujarati & English Language.Salary : Rs. 6000/- per month.
Taluka Programmer : 01 PostM.S. Office , M.S.Word, Basic Skill in Office Management and Filling, System, Excell, Power point and Access Database operating graphic knowledge, Good speed of computer typing in Gujarati and English language. Salary : Rs. 6000/- per month.
D.P.M.C.C. Program Assistant : 01 PostM.S. Office , M.S.Word, Basic Skill in Office Management and Filling, System, Excell, Power point and Access Database operating graphic knowledge, Good speed of computer typing in Gujarati and English language. Salary : Rs. 12000/- per month.
Total No. of Posts : 06 Posts
Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Interested candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to given below address.
Venue :Mission Director, District Health Society & Central District Health Officer, Kheda District Panchayat, Health Department, Nadiad
Walk-in-Interview :
Data Entry Operator Immunisation (R.C.H.) : 27-09-2016Computer Operator cum Clerk : 27-09-2016Taluka Accountant : 27-09-2016Taluka Programmer : 28-09-2016D.P.M.C.C. Program Assistant : 28-09-2016
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