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Lok Rakshak (Constable) & Jail Sepoy provisional result Declared

Bhavesh Chothani
5 minute read
Declaration of provisional result for the post of Lok Rakshak (Constable) & Jail Sepoy in Gujarat Police.

(1)Advertisement for the direct recruitment for class-3 posts in Gujarat Police Force with total vacant post of 17532 was issued by the Chairman, Lokrakshak Recruitment Board and the Inspector General of Police, Vadodara Range, Vadodara vide Advertisement no. LRB/201617/1, dated 01/07/2016 in which the total number of vacancies are as follows :

Note:The candidates of Unreserved Economically Weaker Sections (UEWS) category has been counted in the General category.
(2).The written exam was conducted on 23/10/2016 and the physical Tests (PET/PST) were conducted from 16/1/17 to 11/2/17, after which total 34,586 candidates were called for documentation verification as per their merit. Out of which, total 33,718 candidates remained present for the document Verification. After the completion of the document verification a Provisional Select List is prepared. The cut off marks and Date of Birth of eligible candidates for the provisional Select List are as follows.
(A) Male
General       .MARKS87.258482.7581
(B) Female
General       .MARKS6558.7558.5
Note:The inclusion of the Ex-Servicemen candidates in the Select List for each category is done by the Lokrakshak Recruitment Board by providing relaxation in terms of reducing 20 marks from the total marks obtained by the last candidate who is provisionally selected in the Select List.
(3)After the completion of the document verification, a provisional Select List/ Waiting List of the candidates is prepared. To know the details as per candidate’s PET/PST roll number, CLICK HERE
(4)To know the details of the category wise Provisional Select list of the successful candidates, CLICK BELOW
(5)To know the details of category wise Provisional Waiting List prepared after the completion of the document verification, CLICK BELOW
(6)Those SC/ST/SEBC Category candidates who have not availed the benefit of the relaxations in age limit/height (as is available for such SC/ST/SEBC candidate), and if such SC/ST/SEBC candidates come in the General category merit list on the basis of his/her marks, such SC/ST/SEBC candidates have been counted in the General category as per the rules.
(7)The Provisional Select List/ Waiting List has been prepared on the basis of Government of Gujarat, General Administrative Departmentcircular No.CPR/102005/1277/G-2 dated 11/10/2005 and the decision taken by the Lokrakshak Recruitment Board regarding a situation where two or more candidates get equal marks, the seniority shall be decided on the basis of the following criteria:
a)The candidate who is a sportsperson is to be given the priority and counted as senior, for the purpose of the Select/Waiting List
b)In a case where the candidates have got equal marks, the candidate who is older in age as per the date of birth will be counted as Senior.
c)In cases, where if the date of birth of such candidates is also same, then a candidate with more height is counted as Senior in the merit list.
d)In cases, where the height of candidates is also equal, the seniority in such cases is decided on the basis of their class XII marks.
(8)The candidates who had filled their category as SC/ST/SEBC during the online application but could not produce proper caste certificate/ non creamy layer certificate as per the rules during the document verification, all such 50 candidates have been counted in the General category. To know the details CLICK HERE
(9)During the document verification, total 28 candidates have been disqualified by the Board. For details, CLICK HERE
(10).If any candidate wants to represent about his/her obtained marks, he/she should immediately inform at the below mentioned telephone numbers of the Lokrakshak Recruitment Board State Control Room From 08:00 to 20:00 hrs. Afterwards, he/she must immediately appear and represent in person at below mentioned addressfrom 05/04/17 to 12/07/2017 during office hours (10:30 to 18:00hrs). It is to be noted that no such representation/ application shall be accepted through post. Also no one shall be intimated through post by the board.
Address:Chairman, Lokrakshak Recruitment Board &
Office of I.G. of Police, Vadodara Range,
Room No.-45, Kothi Building,
Raopura, Vadodara.
Phone No. – 0265-2437607/
Mob. No. - 9978408489
Note: After 12/04/2017 no representation shall be accepted under any circumstances.
(11) The important details regarding the Lokrakshak Recruitment so far is as follows:
AAdvertisement issued on 01/07/2016
B.Online Application Received from 07/07/16 to 30/07/16
C.Total candidates qualified for written exam : 7,81,798
D.Written Exam conducted on 23/10/2016
E.Total candidates appeared in written exam :5,79,618
F.Provisional Result of written exam declared on : 24/11/2016
G.Final Result of written exam (after the OMR re-checking) declared on :24/12/2016
H.No. of candidates qualified for PET/PST :1,34,932
I.PET/PST Exam conducted from 16/01/2017 to 11/02/2017
JTotal candidates appeared for PET/PST :1,03,747
K.Total candidates passed in PET/PST :57,485
L.Document Verification conducted from 10/03/2017 to 17/03/2017
M.Total Candidates called for Document Verification : 34,586
N.Total Candidates present for Document Verification : 33,718

(Gyanender Singh Malik, IPS)

Chairman, Lokrakshak Recruitment Board &
Inspector General of Police,
Vadodara Range, Kothi Building,
Raopura, Vadodara.


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