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NMMS Exam Question Paper & Paper Solution - Download NMMS old Question Papers

Bhavesh Chothani
6 minute read

NMMS Old Question Paper 2015. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,2021 - Download Previous Year's NMMS Question Papers

NMMS Old Question Paper - National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Exam acronym as NMMS Exam is sponsored by Central Government and is conducted by the local educational authority to award (The amount of scholarship is proposed to be Rs.12000 per annum @Rs.1000 per month.) 1,00,000 scholarships (from class IX till class XII for a maximum period of four years) to the gifted or meritorious students whose parental income is not more than Rs.1,50,000 per annul from all sources. 

GCERTs will release the NMMS model question papers in December 2020 after the conduction of the exams. NMMS 2020 question papers will be released on the official website of the respective SCERTs. NMMS question papers 2020-21 will be available in a pdf format. NMMS 2020 exams will be conducted on February, 2021, for most of the states. Students who will be appearing must solve the NMMS previous year question papers. These question papers help in knowing the exam pattern and important topics. Therefore, students must refer to the NMMS question papers 2020-21 to know the difficulty level of the NMMS exam. Solving the question papers helps in improving the time management skill. It also prepares the student for the exam day in the best way possible. In addition to this, NMMS question papers 2020-21 also helps in understanding the essential topics which are frequently asked in the exams, in a better way. Read this article to download the NMMS 2020 question papers and know the latest exam pattern and syllabus.

Each State / UT shall have ×xed quota of scholarship which are decided on the basis of enrollment of students in Class VII and VIII in the State/UT concerned and population of children of concerned age group of class VII and VIII. The scheme would provide reservation to different categories of students as per the State / UT norms; as different States / UTs have their own norms of reservation. 

NMMS Exam Old Question Paper

However, the total number of scholarships to a particular State/UT may be restricted to the allocation made by the Central Government. Important: Those State / UTs who are already conducting the examination for nominating the students for the national level (second stage) examination conducted by the NCERT. The same examination shall be used for selection of candidates for the award of Means-cum-Merit Scholarships in the State / UT.

National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Exam synoptically the method adopted by the Government to implement the scheme is as follows: Scholarship: Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of performance in examination to be held on Every Year. in all revenue divisions in the state.

How to download the NMMS Question Papers ?

Students can follow the steps as follows to know the process of NMMS question paper 2020 pdf download.

  • Click on the links of NMMS question papers which are provided in the following table.
  • It will lead to Careers360 sample paper store.
  • Click on the free download button.
  • Enter login credentials.
  • NMMS 2020 question papers will start downloading.
  • Take a print of the same and start practising the NMMS model question papers 2020.
NMMS Exam Question Paper 2021 Download

NMMS Question Paper 2021 Solution Download

NMMS Exam Apply Online

Click Here Paper : 2012. 

Click Here Paper : 2013

Click Here Paper :2014. 

Click Here Paper : 2015(Part-1) |  2015(Part-2) 

Click Here Paper :2016

Click Here Paper :2017

Click Here Paper :2018

Click Here Paper :2019

MMS Exam Syllabus

NMMS Exam consists of questions from the topic given below:
1. Mental Ability Test (MAT)
2. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

NMMS Exam Pattern

NMMS Exam Examination fee

1. For General and Backward Caste Students- Rs.100/-
2. For Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Students - Rs.50/-

NMMS Eligibility: 

1. Candidate who scored at least 55% of marks in class VII examination and has been promoted to Class VIII for the academic session 2019 In respect of SC/ST candidate they should has secured at least 50% or equivalent grade i.e., B+ grade for all categories. 

2. Candidate is studying in Government /Zilla Parishad/ Municipal/private aided High School is only eligible to write the examination. 

3. Students, whose parental annual income is below Rs. 1,50,000/- from all sources is eligible to appear for the examination (an Income certificate from Mandal Revenue Ocher has to be submitted as proof In original), In case of Government employee salary certificated will be enough as a proof of income issued by the employer. 

4. The students studying VIII class in AP/ Gujarat Residential High Schools, AP/ Gujarat Social Welfare Residential Schools, AP/ Gujarat Tribal Welfare Residential High Schools, Government Ashram High Schools and Kasturba Residential Schools, Model schools with residential facility, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, Kendriya Vidyalayas and in Private unaided Schools are not eligible to appear for the Examinations. 

5. Candidate has also to submit the original caste certificated (issued by the MRO) to the Headmaster.

 6. Candidate has also to submit the Original VII class Pass Memo of Marks to the Headmaster. 

7. The candidates of Aadhaar districts shall have to furnish Aadhaar Number compulsorily, otherwise the application will be rejected

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