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NMMS Exam Notification, Apply Online, Hall Ticket, Answer Key, Result, Merit 2022

Bhavesh Chothani
5 minute read
NMMS Exam, Notification, Apply Online, Hall Ticket, Answer Key, Result, Merit 2022 - National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Exam acronym as NMMS Exam is sponsored by Central Government and is conducted by the local educational authority to award (The amount of scholarship is proposed to be Rs.12000 per annum @Rs.1000 per month.) 1,00,000 scholarships (from class IX till class XII for a maximum period of four years) to the gifted or meritorious students whose parental income is not more than Rs.1,50,000 per annum from all sources.

Each State / UT shall have ×xed quota of scholarships which are decided on the basis of enrollment of students in Class VII and VIII in the State/UT concerned and the population of children of the concerned age group of class VII and VIII. The scheme would provide reservations to different categories of students as per the State / UT norms; as different States / UTs have their own norms of reservation.

NMMS Exam Notification 2022 Declared

However, the total number of scholarships to a particular State/UT may be restricted to the allocation made by the Central Government. Important: Those State / UTs who are already conducting the examination for nominating the students for the national level (second stage) examination conducted by the NCERT. The same examination shall be used for the selection of candidates for the award of Means-cum-Merit Scholarships in the State / UT.

National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Exam Notification 2022 synoptically the method adopted by the Government to implement the scheme is as follows: Scholarship: Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of performance in examination to be held on 2022. in all revenue divisions in the state. 

Reservation: State reservation norms will be implemented for award of scholarships in each district (a caste certificate from Mandal Revenue Ocer has to be submitted by the candidate as proof in Original). 

NMMS Exam Syllabus

NMMS Exam consists of questions from the topic given below:
1. Mental Ability Test (MAT)
2. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

NMMS Exam Pattern

NMMS Exam Examination fee

1. For General and Backward Caste Students- Rs.100/-
2. For Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Students - Rs.50/-

NMMS Eligibility: 

1. Candidate who scored at least 55% of marks in the class VII examination and has been promoted to Class VIII for the academic session 2019 In respect of SC/ST candidates they should have secured at least 50% or equivalent grade i.e., B+ grade for all categories. 

2. Candidate is studying in Government /Zilla Parishad/ Municipal/private aided High School is only eligible to write the examination. 

3. Students, whose parental annual income is below Rs. 1,50,000/- from all sources is eligible to appear for the examination (an Income certificate from Mandal Revenue Ocher has to be submitted as proof In original), In case of Government employee salary certificated will be enough as a proof of income issued by the employer. 

4. The students studying VIII class in AP/ Gujarat Residential High Schools, AP/ Gujarat Social Welfare Residential Schools, AP/ Gujarat Tribal Welfare Residential High Schools, Government Ashram High Schools and Kasturba Residential Schools, Model schools with the residential facility, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, Kendriya Vidyalayas and in Private unaided Schools are not eligible to appear for the Examinations. 

5. Candidate has also to submit the original caste certificate (issued by the MRO) to the Headmaster.

 6. Candidate has also to submit the Original VII class Pass Memo of Marks to the Headmaster. 
7. The candidates of Aadhaar districts shall have to furnish their Aadhaar Number compulsorily, otherwise, the application will be rejected

NMMS Exam Date 2022:: December/ January (Tentative)

NMMS Start From 30/10/2022

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  • Each State/UT will conduct its own test for the selection of students. The State Level Examination may consist of the following two tests.
  • Mental Ability Test (MAT)
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  • Mental Ability Test: Questions will be based on verbal and non-verbal meta-cognitive abilities like reasoning and critical thinking. The questions in the scholarship test may be on analogy, classification, numerical series, pattern perception, hidden figures, etc.
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test: Questions will be based on science, social studies, and mathematics as taught in classes VII and VIII.
  • Duration of the Test: 90 minutes Each
  • No. of Questions: 90 Each
  • Marks: 90 Each
  • Each question carries one mark. No negative marking
  • Candidates have to mark their answers using PEN only