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NTSE Exam Apply Online 2021 -SEB NTSE 2021 Hall Ticket

Bhavesh Chothani
5 minute read
NTSE 2021 – The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a national level exam conducted by National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for awarding scholarships. The NCERT is conducting NTSE 2021 in one stages, wherein the stage 1 exam held on Very Soon. Class X students who wish to appear for NTSE 2021 can apply for the scholarship examination. The NTSE 2021 applications for stage 1 exam can be fileld from August 3 till the last date of applications as announced by each state and union territory. The NTSE 2021 scholarship will be awarded to the qualifying candidates on the basis of their performances in both the stages.

NTSE Exam Apply Online 2021 -SEB NTSE 2021 Hall Ticket

However, the total number of scholarships to a particular State/UT may be restricted to the allocation made by the Central Government. Important: Those State / UTs who are already conducting the examination for nominating the students for the national level (second stage) examination conducted by the NCERT. The same examination shall be used for selection of candidates for the award of Means-cum-Merit Scholarships in the State / UT.

National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Exam Notification 2021 synoptically the method adopted by the Government to implement the scheme is as follows: Scholarship: Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of performance in examination to be held on 2021. in all revenue divisions in the state. 

Reservation: State reservation norms will be implemented for award of scholarships in each district (a caste certificate from Mandal Revenue Ocer has to be submitted by the candidate as proof in Original). 

NTSE Stage I Exam Pattern

NTSE Stage-I examination at State/UT level are advised to follow National pattern which comprise of two parts MAT and SAT.

Part-I: Mental Ability Test (MAT)

Part-II: Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) also includes Language Comprehensive Test.

NTSE Stage II Exam Pattern

Paper I : Mental Ability Test (MAT)

  • No. of Questions: 50
  • No. of Marks: 50
  • Duration: 45 Min

Paper II : Language Test (LT) English/Gujarati

  • No. of Questions: 50
  • No. of Marks: 50
  • Duration: 45 Min

Paper III : Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

  • No. of Questions: 100
  • No. of Marks: 100
  • Duration: 90 Min

NTSE Syllabus

MAT (Mental Ability Test) shall contain questions from analogies, series, problem solving, reasoning, classification, figures, coding words, etc. The MAT test check the candidate's ability to think, reasoning and problem solving.

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) shall contain questions from Science, Mathematics, history, geography, political science and economics. There will a Language comprehensive test also.

NTSE Scholarships

NTS Scholarship Disbursement Rules 2018-19 onward : NTS Rules

On the basis of NTSE Examination, 1000 scholarship are awarded each year. Out of which 15% are reserved for students belonging to the SC category, 7.5% for students belonging to ST category and 3% for Physically Challenged group of students. 

STD 8 Scholarship Exam Click Here

Amount of scholarship will be:

  • Scholarship of Rs.1250 per month for class XI and XII.
  • Scholarship of Rs.2000/- per month for Undergraduates and Postgraduates students.
  • Amount of Scholarship for Ph.D. be fixed accordance with the UGC norms.
NTSE Exam Apply Online 2021

New Rules for NTSE Scholarship Scheme from 2021 Session:

  • Awardees have to secure an aggregate of 60% marks or equivalent grade in order to be eligible for scholarship every year.
  • A pass in all subjects for which a student is registered/appeared is necessary.
  • Withdrawal in non core subjects as per institutional rules of exemption is considered for payment of scholarship.
  • In view of online payment of scholarship to the awardee the stipulated time period is reduced from 24 months to 12 months.
  • Students pursuing diploma or certificate courses will be provided scholarship, provided they are not employed.

Eligibility Criteria for NTSE

All students of Class X studying in recognized schools are eligible to appear for the Stage - 1 examination, conducted by the State/UT's, in which the schools are located.

NTSE Important Date:

  • Starting Date of Online Application: 29-09-2021
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 22-10-2021
  • Last Date to Submit Fee : 25-10-2021
  • Exam Date : 16-01-2022

NTSE Eligibility: 

According to the eligibility criteria of NTSE 2021, all the students of X standard are eligible to appear in this scholarship programme. Students from both government and private schools are eligible to register for the scholarship programme. A student applying for the scholarship scheme can be from any state of the country.