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AIC Recruitment of Administrative Officer (Scale-I) For 2017-18

Mukesh Rupapara
5 minute read
AIC Recruitment of Administrative Officer (Scale-I) For 2017-18. Our site Edumaterial  provides  information about all types of new jobs, academic news and competitive exam materials in Gujarat and India. From here you can get different jobs. Such as graduate jobs, engineer jobs, diploma candidate jobs, MBA jobs, low job and various other jobs. Our site is famous for the preparation of competitive exams. We provide complete examination material for examination conducted from TET, HIT, TET, Police Examination, Clerk Examination, GPSC Examination, Panchayat Clerical Examination and other Gujarat Levels. Visit Edumaterials every day for the latest offers of various brands and other technology updates. तमाम करंट अफेर माटे अहि क्लीक करो

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AIC Recruitment of Administrative Officer (Scale-I) For 2017-18. This blog is available on a daily basis in primary school circular, educational news, breaking news, all goverments and private jobs, new techno tips, insurance, loans, new mobile tips and all competitive exams, most certified model paper, old paper, IMP literature and most of the GPSC Exam Content ... like TET, TAT, HTAT, Police Constable Recruitment, GSSSB Clark, Talati and other exams. Visit Edumaterial every day for the latest offers of various brands and other technology updates. પ્રાથમિક શાળામાટેના તમામ ઉપયોગી પત્રકો માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

AIC Recruitment of Administrative Officer (Scale-I) For 2017-18. 

AIC Recruitment of Administrative Officer (Scale-I) For 2017-18,Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) a leading Crop Insurance Company, invites applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of 50 (Fifty) Administrative Officers in Scale I Cadre in various discipline viz. Agriculture Sciences, Information Technology, Finance, Legal, Statistics, Marketing and Generalist. Please Note the Important Dates

Total Post: 50

Educational Qualification:
Group A Code No. 01 Agriculture: B. Sc.(Agriculture)/ B.E./B. Tech in Agriculture Engineering with 60% marks, (for
SC/ST 55% marks). Or M.Sc.(Agriculture) with 60% marks (For SC/ST 55% marks).
Group B Code No. 02 I.T.: BE/B. Tech (Computer/IT) with 60% marks, (for SC/ST 55% marks) or MCA (Masters in Computer Applications)/ M. Tech. in IT/MCM (Masters in Computer Management), with 60% marks, (for SC/ST 55% marks).
Group C Code No. 03 Finance: B. Com with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks) Or M. Com with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks).
Chartered accountants (ICAI)
Company Secretary (ICSE)
Cost and Management Accountant (The Institute of Cost Accounts of India) earlier known as Cost and Work Accounts (ICWAI)
MBA (Finance)*(2 years full time course) with 60% marks, (for SC/ST candidates 55%) from a recognized University.
Group D Code No. 04 Legal: Graduate in Law with 60% marks, (for SC/ST 55%) Or Post Graduation in Law with
60% marks (for SC/ST 55%) from a recognized university.
Group E Code No. 05 Statistics :B. Sc. in Statistics with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks) Or M. Sc. in Statistics with
60% marks, (for SC/ST candidates 55% marks).
Group F Code No. 06 Marketing: Graduate Degree in Marketing/Sales with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks)
Or Post Graduate Degree (2 years full time course) of MBA (Marketing/Sales)**with minimum 60% of marks in aggregate (for SC/ST candidates 55% marks).
Group G Code No. 07 Generalist : Graduate Degree in any discipline with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks Or Masters’ Degree in any discipline with 60% marks (for SC/ST candidates 55% marks).

Selection Procedure: The final selection will be made on the basis of overall performance in online Examination and interview. Candidates will be called for online examination to be held in the month of November 2017

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates Apply Online.

Publication of Short Advertisement in Leading Newspapers 15th September, 2017
Publication of Advertisement in Employment News 23rd September 2017
On line Registration commences from/Payment of fees 15th September, 2017
Last Date for Online Registration/Payment of fees 10th October 2017
Date of Online Examination 18/19th November 2017 (Tentative)

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