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Bhavesh Chothani
3 minute read
Facebook's proprietary messaging app Whatsapp is now trying to get information on what types of news reports are being spread on its platform. The company's software engineer Alan Kao gave this status to the complex name. This is because no one can read any message other than the sander and receiver on the app. Alan Kao said in a report that "We do not want to see Fake News on this platform and neither want to read. But it is very difficult to know which news is faked and which news is real. "In this, the company is working on ways to reduce the news.

Let us know that many news messages are sent using WhatsApp, and this news will soon become viral because more than 20 million people in India are connected to WhatsApp. Alan Kao said that steps are being taken to stop such news on WhatsApp. The company is awakening users on Fake News and check their integrity before sharing any news.

Alan Kao said that under the end and encryption, WhatsApp does not store or store any message on its own server. Messages can only be seen by the sander and the receiver. Messages remain in the encrypted format of the company's server unless the receiver read it. If the receiver does not read the message for 30 days, then he is removed from the server. However, Alan Kao also said that the steps taken on the Fake News will be kept in mind also.

Last month, Central Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said that some catastrophic videos have been shared on WhatsApp. Because WhatsApp is not aware of any such messages, no action can be taken against it. WhatsApp provides a feature that allows users to share a screenshot of any catastrophic content and share law enforcement officials.

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