Ahmedabad: The Gujarat High Court today gave an important verdict, in which no private school can take any further fees, ie demand for a stay on the fee-fixation verdict by the private schools, the court said that the fees acting committee is constitutional and the private schools' administrators You will not be able to charge fees indiscriminately. Now the new rule will be applicable from 2018.
According to the Gujarat Self-Finance School Regulation Fee Bill-2007, Rs. 15 thousand rupees for secondary education 25 thousand and higher secondary education for Rs. 27 thousand fees have been decided. This new fee will be implemented from the current year 2018. Apart from this, the school authorities who have collected advance fees will have to pay additional fees to the guardians.
According to this bill, the fees act law will apply to all the private schools like ICSE, CBSE and International Board of Schools running under the state education department. In addition, if these schools violate the provision of the law to refund fees, they will have to refund the fee twice. The school will have to refund the fee within fifteen days of the order, if delay, then one percent interest will be paid. After the parents' complaint, the committee will have the power to decide Suomoto. However, schools will be given the opportunity of submission.
It is noteworthy that, on March 30, 2017, the state passed a bill of fee regulation for private schools, after which a petition was filed in the Gujarat High Court on April 26, 2017, in which parents' representative was sought, on May 3, 2017, the High Court refused to give interim relief to the matter. .