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Bhavesh Chothani
4 minute read
CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE RECRUITMENT 2018. Our site EDUMATERIALS provides information about all types of new jobs, academic news and competitive exam materials in Gujarat and India. From here you can get different jobs. Such as graduate jobs, engineer jobs, diploma candidate jobs, MBA jobs, low job and various other jobs. Our site is famous for the preparation of competitive exams. We provide complete examination material for examination conducted from TET, HIT, TET, Police Examination, Clerk Examination, GPSC Examination, Panchayat Clerical Examination and other Gujarat Levels. Visit EDUMATERIAL every day for the latest offers of various brands and other technology updates. Click Here Current Affairs


CISF RECRUITMENT 2018 Applications are invited from the Male/Female citizens of India to fill up 118 vacancies (Assistant Sub Inspector/Exe-31 and Head Constable/GD-87) in Central Industrial Security Force against SPORTS QUOTA.

Total Post: 118

ASI/Exe–Level-5 in the pay matrix 29,200 to 92,300/-(Pre revised Band Pay 5200-20200+ Grade
Pay 2800/-) plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government employees from time
to time.
HC/GD- Level- 4 in the pay matrix 25,500 to 81,100/- (Pre revised Band Pay 5200-20200+ Grade
Pay 2400/-) plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government employees from time
to time.
ELIGIBILITY: -Only those who fulfill the following eligibility standards as shown against each
post will be eligible for recruitment against these vacancies

  • For Assistant Sub Inspector/Executive: Bachelor Degree from a recognized University
  • For Head Constable/General Duty:  10+2 or equivalent from recognized institutions/Board.

PHYSICAL STANDARDS:- As per notification

  • Application for the discipline mentioned in column No.1 below will sent their application to the
  • authority mentioned against each at Column No.2 along with requisite application fees of Rs.100/-
  • (Rupees one hundred only) in the form of Postal Order drawn in favour of the officer mentioned under
  • column 3 below and payable at the post office as mentioned against each at column No.4. SC/ST and
  • Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from application fee.
  • This notification along with requisite forms etc., is available at
  • Only those meritorious sportsmen/sportswomen who fulfilling the above eligibility criteria and have
  • participated in the championships in the year 2015-2016 and are also willing to compete through the
  • selection procedure as mentioned in Para-5 above may forward their application in the
  • prescribed proforma as per Annexure-"I" to the following DIsG/CISF, so as to reach latest by
  • 02.02.2018 and in case of residents of North East region by 09.02.2018along with attested photo
  • copies of certificates.

Enclosures required to be attached with application duly self-attested:-

1. Matriculation certificate in support of age.
2. All Educational Certificates in support of educational qualifications.
3. Caste Certificate viz SC, ST or OBC.
4. Certificate in support of belonging to Hillman/Hill women or Tribeswomen if seeking relaxation in
height and chest.
5. Sports Certificates related to the events/discipline.
6. Two recent passport size photographs.
7. Application fees of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) in the form of Postal Order drawn in
favour of the officer mentioned under column 3 above and payable at the post office as mentioned
under column 4. SC/ST and Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from application fee.

  • Application should be sent so as to reach the concerned application receiving DIsG of CISF as
  • shown in the above mentioned para by 02.02.2018 and in case of residents of North East region by09-02-2018.
  • Applications received after due date/incomplete/unsigned/without photograph or proper enclosure will be summarily rejected.
  • Person serving in Government/Semi Government department should produce "No objection Certificate" from their present employer as per format given in Annexure-"I" (Application form).

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