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Grant-in-Aid School teachers are in the mood of struggling to solve costly questions

Bhavesh Chothani
3 minute read
Grant-in-Aid School teachers are in the mood of struggling to solve costly questions

Ahmedabad | The state government has not resolved the pending issues including the salary of the teachers of Grant-in-Aid schools, so the teachers demand a protest against the government. As part of which, in the first phase, from the 18th June to the 25th of June, 35,000 teachers of 7000 Grant-in-Aid Secondary Higher Secondary schools will display a protest by holding a black strip. Ramdhun's program was held in the afternoon at 4 pm in Gandhinagar Satyagraha camp.

Ramdhun's program will be held in the Satyagraha camp at 2 pm in the afternoon of 24th June
Gujarat State Higher Secondary Teacher Association Maha Mandal President Pankaj Patel and Mahamanti Vijay Patel said, "Gujarat government has been presenting more than 15 times in last two years regarding the cost of questions of teachers and other employees of Grant-in-Aid schools, but they have not yet resolved through Gandhichandhu Marg. Have decided to do the programs for the movement. '

Grant-in-Aid Teachers' salary, which has fixed salary in secondary and higher secondary schools, is Rs. 25,000 and Rs 26,000 have been paid. When the teachers who get fixed salary of government secondary schools pay Rs. 31,340 and 38,090.

Teachers working in government schools in 2006 have been decided to hire fixed-job jobs for fixed pay jobs, retirement benefits and higher pay scale. While granting jobs to 99 in the grant-in-aid schools, it is not considered to be a continuous job to provide such benefits. Also, the difference between the pay scale and the seventh pay commission has not been given to these teachers.
When to recruit on four thousand vacancies

The Gujarat State Higher Secondary Secondary Association has also questioned that apart from this, various cost related issues of teachers are present, the solution has not been taken yet. In addition, about 4000 teachers' vacancies in Grant-in-Aid schools are vacant, they have not been recruited on vacancies. This is our demand for recruitment at this place.

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