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South Central Railway Recruitment 2019 - 4103 Apprentice Recruitment

Bhavesh Chothani
5 minute read
South Central Railway Recruitment 2019 -  4103 Apprentice Recruitment South Central Railway has published advertisement notification for South Central Railway Recruitment ITI Apprenticeship Training 2019 for filling up South Central Railway Recruitment 4103 various trade vacancies. South Central Railway (SCR) Headquarters office, Secunderabad invites applications in the prescribed proforma for undergoing Apprenticeship Training under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962, in various units of South Central Railway. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

RRB recruitment 2019: The South Central Railway, Secunderabad has released a notification inviting interested, eligible candidates for the post of apprentice for training in various units. The interested, eligible candidates can apply on or before July 17 through the official website,

South Central Railway Recruitment 2019 -  4103 Apprentice Recruitment
South Central Railway Recruitment 2019 -  4103 Apprentice Recruitment

Posts: Apprentice

Total No. of Posts: 4103 Posts

  • AC Mechanic- 249 Posts
  • Carpenter-16 Posts
  • Diesel Mechanic-640 Posts
  • Electrical/Electronics-18 Posts
  • Electrician-871 Posts
  • Fitter-1460 Posts
  • Machinist-74 Posts
  • MMW-24 Posts
  • MMTM-12 Posts
  • Painter-40 Posts
  • Welder-597 Posts
Job Location :: Across India

Job Category :: Railway Job, Apply Online

Educational Qualification: (1) 10th Class / SSC / Matriculation with 50% aggregate marks.
(2) Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in concerned trade.

Age Limit:  The upper age relaxation - 05 years for OBC and 03 years for SC / ST.

Application Fee: A crossed Demand Draft (DD) from any Nationalized Bank or a crossed Indian Postal Order (IPO) drawn in favour of Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Secunderabad - 500 025 payable at Hyderabad or Secunderabad.

For General / OBC Category Candidates: Rs.100/-
For SC / ST / PWD / Women Category Candidates: Nil

Selection Process: Selection of the eligible candidates for imparting training under the Apprentice Act, 1961 will be based on the merit list which would be prepared taking the average of the percentage marks obtained by the candidates in both matriculation [with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks] and ITI examination giving equal weight-age to both. Candidates will be selected based on Merit.


1. Read carefully the complete notification before filling up of online application.

2. To download the full notification click the link given below:


Apply Online Click Here

3. For registration, you must have registered mobile number and valid e-mail ID which will be verified by receiving OTP (one time password) through SMS/email.

4. Before filling up of your application the following scanned documents in JPG, PNG or PDF formats (should not be more than 2MB in size) are to be kept ready for uploading:

I) SSC/10th Class marks sheet

II) ITI Consolidated marks memo or semester-wise marks memo.

III) For SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates community certificate in the prescribed formats given in the notification.

IV) For PWD candidates, Disability certificate.

V) One passport size photo graph (Image should not be more than 1Mb in size)

VI) Signature of the candidate (Image should not be more than 1Mb in size)

VII) Discharge Certificate for Ex-Servicemen and children of Ex-Servicemen

VIII) Service Certificate for the children of Serving Jawans/officers of Armed Forces

5. The candidate must possess minimum 50% of marks in SSC/10th Class plus ITI Certificate in relevant trade.

6. OBC/EWS/UR (Male) candidates have to make payment of Rs.100/- (One hundred only) as Application fee after filling up of application through SBI Payment gateway.

7. After submission of completed application, Registration number will be generated and sent to your registered mobile number and e-Mail ID. The same will be useful for further communication or process.

8. The application form once submitted cannot be edited/modified. The candidates can view the application form by using your mobile number and date of birth or application number.

  • Opening Date/Time of Online Application 09-11-2019/11:00 hrs
  • Closing Date/Time of Online Application 08-12-2019/23:30 hrs

However, in this post, we have tried to cover all the essential information regarding the form filling, detail on the SCR apprentice post, age criteria, educational criteria, relaxation for the candidates, payment method, payment feature, and others. We’ll also update our post during the release of the admit card for the South Central Railway Apprentice vacancies and after the declaration of the result. We would also like to suggest students that due to the decent number of vacancies, they have a great chance to select for the SCR apprentice so they must start preparing for the exam, leaving no stone upturned.