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SSA Adhar Dise Std 1 New Entry | SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise Login | Child Tracking System | UID Information

Bhavesh Chothani
11 minute read
SSA Adhar Dise New Entry | SSA Adhar Dise Std 1 New Entry | Child Tracking System | UID Information. Our site UDISE provides information about all types of Aadhaar Enabled DISE, academic news, and competitive exam materials in gujarat primary education news and India. From here you can get different jobs. Such as education department gujarat, engineer jobs, diploma candidate jobs, MBA jobs, low job,s, and various other jobs. Our site is famous for the preparation of competitive exams. We provide complete examination material for examination conducted from TET, HIT, TET, Police Examination, Clerk Examination, GPSC Examination, Panchayat Clerical Examination, and other Gujarat Levels. Visit UDISE every day for the latest offers of various brands and other technology updates. Click Here Current Affairs

SSA Adhar Dise New Entry | SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise Login | Child Tracking System | UID Information

SSA અંતર્ગત ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા શરૂ કરાઈ. વિદ્યાર્થીઓના અસ્તિત્વને નોંધવા માટે સરકારે SSA ગુજરાત પોર્ટલ શરૂ કરી દીધી છે. ssagujarat. org- સત્તાવાર-વેબસાઇટ, એસએસએ પોર્ટલ લોગીન માહિતી અને અપડેટ કેમ કરવું તેની બધી જ વિગતો અમારી વેબસાઈટ Edumaterial પર મુકવામાં આવેલ છે.

 SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise - વિહંગાવલોકન

Name of Article SSA Gujarat Org Adhar Dise Login 2021 – How to update entry

Launched by Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan Gujarat Council, Government of Gujarat

Department Council of Elementary education

Beneficiaries Students of Gujarat

Major Benefit Transparency in Education

Article Objective Improvement in Education level

The article under State Government

Name of State Gujarat

Post Category Article/ Yojana

Official Website

Under Sarva Shiksha, now the teacher must provide their presence online.

ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા ઓનલાઇન હાજરી પ્રક્રિયા ખૂબ સારી અને ખૂબ અસરકારક છે.

School Monitoring App (CRC - BRC), WSDP.,  Divyaan - App, G - shala App, Mindspark, Transportation System, Gunotsav, Mission Vidya, Re-enrolling school Dropout, Assisting Divyang students, Scholarships, SARAL App, Std-5 Diagnostic Test, Periodical  Assessment Test (PAT) is taken from Adhaar Enabled DISE - Child Tracking System (CTS) application for online entry of marks obtained subject wise as per semester.

SSA Adhar Dise New Entry:: ધોરણ 1 ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓની નવી એન્ટ્રી વિગત

SSA Adhar Dise Std 1 New Entry

ધોરણ - 1 ની એન્ટ્રી માટે વિદ્યાર્થીનો જન્મનું પ્રમાણપત્ર ( Certificate No ) નંબર દાખલ કરવાનો રહેશે.

SSA Adhar Dise New Entry:: ધોરણ 1 ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓની નવી એન્ટ્રી
SSA Adhar Dise New Entry:: ધોરણ 1 ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓની નવી એન્ટ્રી

2021 ની નવી સૂચનાઓ:- aadhar dise new student entry 2021 Birthday Certificate instructions pdf download in Gujarati.  Download Pdf 

Download DISE Circular 2021-22: From Here

SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise Entry Pdf Guide Click Here

SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise Entry Pdf Guide Old Click Here

Std 1 Entry Form Click Here Download


Adhar Enable Dise UDISE+ 2021 ni Kamgiri Karva Babat SSA no Latest Paripatra, Date 31/05/2021

Subject: Matter of operating UDISE + 2020-21.  Reference: - Respect.  

Pursuant to the approval received on the note of SPD Shri dated 1/06/2021.  Sir, you are well aware that under the entire education, every year on 30th September, all the schools in the state having Std. 1 to 12 are collected by getting information in UDISE form.  UDISE has been expanded online by the Ministry of Education, Government of India from the year 2016-17 to UDISE + (Extended UDISE).  

As per the instructions of the Ministry of Education, information has to be obtained under UDISE in the current year 2020 21.  All levels of the District Educational Information Sheet (UDISE + Data Capture Format) for the current year 2020-21 should be done through UDISE + online application (  

In this regard, to inform you that in the current year 2020-21, you are asked to get the information of all the schools in your district having Std-1 to Std-12 such as primary, upper primary, secondary, and higher secondary schools under UDISE +.  These schools are instructed to get the mandatory information in the UDISE form of any school such as Government, Ashram School, Private Granted, Private Non-Granted, Central Government, Model School, Jawahar Navodaya, or any other management. 

 U-DISE in the annual budget prepared for primary, upper primary, secondary, and higher secondary level educational planning at the district level as well as state-level as per the entire education plan and in education policy planning as well as policy planning related to education  Is used as the basis for information.

In addition to the process of giving free admission in Std-1 to non-subsidized private primary schools to children belonging to weaker and disadvantaged groups under Section-12.1 (c) of RTE Act 2009, in the form of students filling online at school level as per NMMS- National Means Cum Merit scholarship scheme Exam  The school's U-DISE code is mandatory and only UDISE's year-wise teacher record is considered as the basis for teachers' experience in the recruitment process.  

In addition, you can easily get your district enrollment rate, dropout rate, school information, enrollment, and teacher information from UDISE.  In addition, the Performance Grading Index (PG) Ranking is done on the basis of UDISE data which determines the rank of the state/district in the field of education in India.  Thus you are aware of the importance of UDISE DATA. 

 Pursuant to the terms and conditions of Rule-13 (2) of the Right to Education (RTE) Act 2006 and Rule-13 (1) () (h) of the Gujarat Right to Educational Rules 2018 and the accompanying Appendix-II  It is mandatory for every school to provide this information.  In this regard, all the above schools must be registered under DISE +.  In the year 2020-21, all schools are asked to plan in a way that provides UDISE information.  If a school refuses to provide this information, the BRC of the area  Co.O.  And C.R.C.  Co.O.  The primary responsibility for obtaining UDISE information from the school lies with the CRC.  Co.O.  And B.R.C.  Of CO.  

However, if the school does not provide the information, the accredited officer is asked to take disciplinary action till the accreditation of such school is canceled immediately.  For example, the District Primary Education Officer and Govt. Officer for Primary / Higher Primary School as well as the District Education Officer for Secondary / Higher Secondary School is asked to take disciplinary action till the de-recognition of such school is immediately revoked.  The district level will have to take necessary action keeping in view the following matters regarding the operation of UDISE +.  (1). 

District MIS  The coordinator has to log in with the username and password of the district in the UDISE + online application and check the details of his block-wise schools.  (Ii).  District MIS  COA has made a list of schools functioning in the academic year 2020-21. To verify the details of schools as per the list in UDISE + online application, such as school management, school category as well as school status (Operational, Close, Merge and Sanctioned but Not Operational), etc.  

Only after that will you have to print UDISE + DCF as well as enter the filled DCF form.  (2).  Print out of Pre-Filled DISE + DCF online application of all Government, Ashram School, Model School, Model Day School, RMSA School, and Granted (Granted) Schools from the district level as per the academic year 2020-21 of the district has to be printed and delivered to the taluka level.  

While private schools (non-subsidized), Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway School, Sainik School as well as other Central Government-run schools have to make an entry in UDISE + online application from the school level.

(2).  Block MIS  Logo in UDISE + school Management Module with Username and Password of your block and go to User Management for private school (non-subsidized), Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway School, Sainik School, and other Central Government-run schools in your block.  You have to create a LOGIN ID.  

(2).  C.R.C.  The Coordinator has to send the DISE + DCF Form to all the Government, Ashram School, Model School, Model Day School, RMSA School, and Granted (Granted) School under his jurisdiction as well as get the filled UDISE + DCF Form accurately from the school level.  Must be sent to  

(5).  C.R.C.  Co.  The coordinator went to the private school (non-subsidized), Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway School, Sainik School, and other Central Government-run schools under his jurisdiction and got the hard copy of UDISE + DCF Form filled in the online application by the school with the signature-coin of the school principal.  The details filled in by the school will have to be verified on the spot.  (2).  Block MIS at the block level.  The data entry operator has to make data entry of DISE + Form of all government, ashram school, model school, model day school, RMSA school, and grant-aided school in UDISE + online application.  

(2).  Details of DISE + Form filled in by DISE + Online Application from School Level by Block MIS Data Entry Operator at Block Level Private School (Non-Subsidized), Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway School, Sainik School, and other Central Government-run schools.  Must be verified and verified.  If a school does not make an online entry, it will have to get a hard copy of the school's DISE + Form and make an entry.  (2).  C.R.C.  The coordinator will have to check the filled UDISE + DCF form of 100% of the schools.  

(10).  B.R.C.  The coordinator will have to check the filled UDISE + DCF form of 15% of the schools. 

 (11).  District level, as well as block-level, will have to download the certificate from the UDISE + online application, sign the coins, and upload it online.  (12).  In order to get the UDISE + forms of all the schools of secondary and higher secondary level in time, the District Education Officer, AEI, and EI will have to plan the way to join this work together.  

(12). All meetings and training programs on UDISE should be organized by the District Education Officer and the District Primary Education Officer together and both the officers should review the work done in this regard from time to time.  (12).  District MIS  Co.O.  And block MIS.  Co.O.  
The details of daily operations regarding UDISE + should be given to the state office.  (12).  For the operation of UDISE + for the year 2020-21, the district level will have to print the DCF form through the UDISE + online application and also take care that the cost does not exceed the approved rate contract of the district panchayat

(12).  The cost of all operations related to UDISE + such as print, training, etc. will have to be borrowed under the Head of Management in the current year's budget.  All the staff of the entire education should complete the work within the time limit as per the SCHEDULE and also take appropriate disciplinary action against those who show negligence in fulfilling their responsibilities at that level.  

The District Education Officer, the District Primary Education Officer and the Govt.  Information of UDISE + of the entire district is asked to complete the online operation by June 30, 2021.  Enclosure: - UDISE + 2020-21 Step by Step implementation Schedule

UDISE+ 2021 ni Kamgiri Karva Babat SSA no Latest Paripatra, Date 31/05/2021 Click Here PDF 

UDISE Kamgiri Babate Guide

Gujarat State implemented Aadhaar Enabled DISE - Child Tracking System for collection of Student-wise information for Elementary Schooling of Classes I - VIII since January 2021. Aadhaar Enabled DISE is deployed with a concept adopted from UIDAI to build a database of students along with child wise record with Student Name, Parents Name, Date of Birth, addresses, incentives & benefits received from the Government. The same database is being used by the State to conduct child wise evaluations under the Gunotsav program. Each year, existing records are being updated and new entrants in Class I are being entered under the system.

New server Launch for Adhar updates

Server 1 A to B names Districts

Server 2 C to K districts

Server 3 M to R districts

Server 4 S to V Districts

Online entry/update tracking is done every year from the school level for the purpose of providing accurate, error-free, real-time, and up-to-date information from the school level.  Under which up-to-date information including names of students studying in Std. 1 to 12 has to be prepared for the year 2021-22. SSA Adhar Dise std 1 New Entry | SSA Gujarat Aadhar Dise Login | Child Tracking System | UID Information