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Special classes will start from Monday for the weak students

Bhavesh Chothani
2 minute read
For the weak students studying in government school in Gujarat, students from 6 to 8 will start special classes from Monday to 'Mission Vidya'. This remedial educational work will last for 23 months from 31 July to 31 August. An hour before the school commencement and for two hours during school time, these children will be given special knowledge through teachers.

GCERT and SSA will oversee the entire process

The government has taken special class projects by showing seriousness on account of the inadequacy shown by the school, given special attention to the weak students. The entire process will be supervised by GCERT (Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training) and SSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan). After the Ganeshav-8, about 7,97,957 students, who received 10 to 0 to 5 marks in special writing, reading and mathematics, have been included. Similarly, poor students of standard 3 to 5 will be provided two-hour remedial education during the school hours.

There are 21,68,214 students in government school. Of these, 2,14,161 students are reading, 2,87,192 written, 2,96,604 students in mathematics, 2,96,604 students. In terms of percentage, 14% of the total students in the highest mathematics category, 13% in writing, and 10% are poor students in reading.

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