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How meditation helps students? 10 benefits of Meditation

3 minute read
Students have the most stressful condition at the time of the exam, assignment submission, viva, and different competitive exams. Having too much stress is not good for mental and physical health. In stressful condition, Meditation helps to reduce stress.

Regular practice will give a noticeable change in student’s behavior and academic achievements.

How Meditation is beneficial to students?

  • 1.      Rise in IQ Level:  It helps to raise IQ of the students. Practice it regularly to get the best result.
  • 2.      Academic stress goes down: Meditation gives positive vibration that reduces the stress level of mind. It makes your mind calm.
  • 3.      Achievements in academic activity: Meditating students show considerably improved academic performance — in one study, 41% of students allocated to the meditation group benefitted from the improvement in both Math and English scores.
  • 4.      Better Focus: Students can concentrate on studies because of having condition of a healthy mind.
  • 5.      Brain Harmony: Meditation can change fibers of the brain to regulate emotions and behavior. Meditation makes the brain more harmonious.
  • 6.      Reduce in addiction to drugs and alcohol: Meditation is helpful to control emotions and reduce stress. So, students who really practice meditation regularly will not be addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  • 7.      Reduction of depression and anxiety: Meditation gives a tough fight to depression and anxiety.
  • 8.      Become more confident: research finds that students who meditate daily get higher scores on affectivity, self-esteem, and emotional competence. Meditation is your formula for happiness!
  • 9.      The healthy condition of heart: Reduction of stress directly affects the blood pressure. Meditation reduces blood pressure problems and heart-related problems.
  • 10.   Lower absenteeism and higher concentration: Sometimes students can not focus on studies because of stress. Meditation helps to calm your mind, control thoughts and improve concentration.