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Gujarat Budget 2022 : Gujarat Budget 2022 PDF Download

Bhavesh Chothani
13 minute read
Gujarat Budget 2022 PDF: Kamalam will now be cultivated in Kevadia, Rs 1,500 crore for Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet, Rs 568 crore for Metro.

Gujarat Budget 2022 : Gujarat Budget 2022 Update soon

Finance Minister Kanubhai Desai will present the 2022-23 budget in the Assembly today. 

Per capita income has increased from 19,823 to 2,14,809 in 20 years. 

A private institution is working for cow breeding. Chief Minister Gaumata announced the nutrition plan. For which an allocation of Rs. 500 crore has been announced. 

Announcing the launch of the excellent school. For which allocation of 10 thousand crores.

More than 177 crore Corona vaccines were made available free of cost across the country. 

In Gujarat, the BJP government will present its last budget for the state on Thursday. Gujarat will go to the polls in the month of December, so this budget is likely to be fully electoral. Gujarat's finance minister, Kanubhai Desai, presents the budget for the financial year 2022-23 on Thursday, before the Gujarat Legislative Assembly. 
નાણાકિય માપદંડોમાં ગુજરાત પ્રથમ ક્રમાંક પર

2022-23નું 2,43 965 હજાર કરોડનું બજેટ 

2 લાખ કરતાં વધુ રોજગારીનું સર્જન થશે

ખેડૂત કલ્યાણ વિકાસ માટે 7,737 કરોડની જોગવાઈ

રાજ્યમાં માથાદીઠ આવકમાં વધારો થયો 

મુખ્યમંત્રી ગૌ માતા પોષણ  યોજનાની જાહેરાત

ગૌ માતા પૌષણ યોજના માટે 500 કરોડની ફાળવળી

સ્કૂલ ઓફ એક્સલેન્સ પ્રોજેક્ટ હાથ ધરાશે
70 લાખથી વધુ વિદ્યાર્થીઓને ગુણવત્તાયુક્ત શિક્ષણ મળશે

મત્સ્ય ઉદ્યોગ માટે 880 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

સાગરખેડૂઓને હાઇસ્ફિલ ડીઝલ વેટ માટે 230 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

સાગરખેડૂઓને ટૂંકી મુદ્દતના ધિરાણ પર વ્યાજ સહાય આપવા 75 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

ચૂંટણીનું વર્ષ...બજેટ લાવશે ચહેરા પર હર્ષ!

આરોગ્ય વિભાગ માટે 12,240 કરોડની જોગવાઈ

બોટાદ જામખંભાળિયા વેરાવળમાં મેડિકલ કોલેજ શરુ થશે

ઉંઝા હોસ્પિટલને અપગ્રેડ કરીને 100 બેડની નવી હોસ્પિટલ બનશે

જીલ્લા કક્ષાની હોસ્પિટલ બનાવવા માટે 8 કરોડની જોગવાઈ

ખેડૂતોના ટૂંકી ધિરાણના વ્યાજ રાહત માટે 300 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

ગૌ વંશ નિભાવ અને પાંજરાપોળ માટે 500 કરોડની જોગવાઇ 

નિરાધાર ઢોરના નિભાવ ખર્ચ માટે 50 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

મધક્રાંતિને વેગ આપવા 10 કરોડની જોગવાઇ 

કૃષિ સંશોધન અને શિક્ષણના કાર્યક્રમોને સઘન બનાવવા 757 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

બાગાયત ખાતાઓની યોજના માટે 369 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

ડ્રેગનફ્રુટના વાવેતરમાં વધારા માટે 20 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

સાગર ખેડૂઓને ધિરાણ આપવા માટે 75 કરોડની જોગવાઈ

સહકારી ખાંડ મિલોને ધિરાણ આપવા 10 કરોડની જોગવાઈ

ડાંગ પ્રાકૃતિક ખેતી કરતો પ્રથમ જીલ્લો

ખેડૂતો માટે પ્રાકૃતિક ખેતીને વેગ આપવામાં આવી રહ્યો છે

ગુજરાતમાં રોજગારીની નવી તકો સર્જાઇ રહી છે

ડ્રોનના ઉપયોગથી દવા છાંટવા અને કૃષિ ઇન્ફર્ટનો ખર્ચ ઘટાડવા 35 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

ખેતરની ફરતે ફેન્સિંગ, સોલાર માટે 20 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

પ્રાકૃતિક ખેતીને વેગ આપવા માટે 100 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

પ્રાકૃતિક ખેતીમાં ગાયના નિભાવ ખર્ચ માટે 213 કરોડની જોગવાઇ

વિકાસ માટે ઓવરડ્રાફ્ટ લીધા વગર નાણાંની ફાળવણી

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Gujarat Budget 2022 PDF Download here

Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Nitin Patel presented the budget for the financial year 2021-22 for the ninth time. For the first time since the establishment of the state of Gujarat, a budget of Rs 2.27 lakh crore has been presented. On this occasion, Nitin Patel said that this time the budget of Rs 2.27 lakh crore is more than Rs 10,000 crore than the previous budget.

Assembly Budget 2021-22 LIVE UPDATE

For students doing research for PhD degree at various universities in the state, Rs. 20 crore provision
Finance Minister Nitin Patel presented a budget of Rs 2,27,029 crore

Free electricity for water works of all gram panchayats, provision of Rs. 734 crore

40 thousand per e-rickshaw subsidy will be given

143 km bulk pipeline for drinking water to be laid in Saurashtra at a cost of Rs.675 crore

New bus station on PPP basis in Rajkot and 6 new bus stands at other places, provision of Rs.100 crore

Ahmedabad Civil Hospital will be upgraded with a provision of Rs. 87 crore

Historical schools of Gujarat will be declared as Heritage Schools

2 lakh youth will be recruited in the government office board corporation in the next 5 years

A new jetty will be constructed at Navlakhi port at a cost of Rs 192 crore

Nargol and Bhavnagar ports will be developed at a cost of Rs. 4800 crore

Ceramic Hub: Morbi, Halwad Jetpur, Morbi Aniyali and Ghatila 70 km road will be made 4 lanes

Provision of Rs.800 crore for solar routing in the state, assistance will be given to 3 lakh households

Planning of two mega textile parks in the state

Planning of Block Truck Industrial Park in Jabunsar

Establishes Medical Device Industrial Park in Rajkot

Provision of Rs. 15 crore for planting of two lakh lotus fruits in 50 km around Kevadia

Provision of Rs.568 crore for Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar-Surat Metro

Provision of assistance of Rs.1500 crore to industries under textile policy

A surplus budget of Rs 587 crore for 2021-22

Provision of Rs. 100 crore for capital investment in Gift City

Provision of Rs.7960 crore for Home Department

New local employment scheme with Well Shark Tourism

Heliports to be developed at Ahmedabad-Somnath, Ambaji, Dwarka, Saputara and Gir

Government revenue fell by 40 per cent due to Corona

Provision of Rs.6599 crore in Industry and Mines Department

Provision of Rs.13,034 crore for energy and petrochemicals

For road and building department Rs. 11185 crore provision

Waste land will be leased to farmers

For Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train Rs. 1500 crore allotment

Aims to make Dang a chemical free producing district, Rs 10,000 crore assistance to farmers for natural farming

For Statue of Unity Rs. 652 crore provision

Provision of Rs.11 thousand 323 crore for health and family welfare

Provision of Rs.1349 crore for tribal development

For women and child development Rs. 3511 crore provision

Gujarat is coming out of Corona epidemic

Provision of Rs 32,000 crore for education

This time the budget is to be presented keeping in view the development journey of Gujarat. Care will be taken for the development of the people in Gujarat and also for the development of their areas. The budget will be released in such a way that the formula of development for all will be realized.

Last year, a budget of Rs 2.17 lakh crore was released
I am confident that the amount I will announce in this budget will be of great benefit to the people for the development of every sector of Gujarat. With the overwhelming support of the people for our party in yesterday's municipal, district and taluka panchayat elections, it is now our responsibility to work for the betterment of the people and ensure that they get the maximum benefit. Last year, a budget of Rs 2.17 lakh crore was released, while this time the budget is likely to be Rs 2.25 lakh crore, sources said. Public debt will also increase in cases where the state government has to take a loan for GST compensation.

The paperless budget will save the state government Rs 44 lakh in paper and Rs 80 lakh
The paperless budget will save the state government Rs 44 lakh in paper and Rs 80 lakh
This time a paperless budget will be presented
Like the central government, the Gujarat government is going to present a paperless budget this time. However, the Gujarat government has gone one step further and developed the Gujarat Budget mobile application, in which all the budget documents will be uploaded and people will be able to get the information on their mobiles. The paperless budget will save the state government Rs 44 lakh in paper and Rs 80 lakh.

Become a mobile app for budget
Launching the Gujarat Budget mobile application, Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel said that Gujarat has become the first state in the country to create a mobile application for the budget. In addition to paper savings, a mobile application has been developed so that millions of citizens of the state can know the provisions of the budget with maximum use of technology. When the state budget is to be presented in the assembly on March 3, the budget speech of the finance minister can be watched live in this application. All budget documents and budgets for the last 5 years will also be made available on the application. Budget documents will be made available in both Gujarati and English languages.

Gujarat Budget 2021 PDF Download : Finance Minister Nitin Patel today presented a full-size budget for the Financial Year 2021. For the first time after the establishment of Gujarat, a budget of 2 lakh rupees was introduced. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that the budget presented in the budget of Rs 2,04,815 crore has been given to the welfare, clothes and housing. Thus, the state government has presented a back-to-back budget.

65% allotment for basic needs

There have been many problems related to education related to school fees, admissions, student security, defect of rooms for some time in the state. As well as every year, efforts have been made to resolve the serious problems of farmers' suicide in the crisis caused by the flood water crisis and medical problems in government hospitals. The finance minister has 20.63% of the total budget for agriculture, irrigation and rural development, while 15.76% for water, supply, sanitation, housing and urban development, 8.43% for health and family welfare and 20.79% for education, sports, art and culture. 65% of allocation is made..

Gandhinagar: Deputy CM cum finance minister Nitin Patel today presented Vote-on-Account for the
year 2019-20 with a revenue surplus of Rs 12,241.40 crore.

No new tax has been levied or any hike in existing tax was made in it.

The estimated revenue receipt is Rs 1,54,885 crore, while the estimate for revenue expenditure was
Rs 1,45,022 crore. State tax revenue has been estimated at Rs 1,00,125 crore.

Patel said in his address in the house on the second day of the first session of it today said that Vote
on Account proposal was for period of four months upto July 31, 2019 . A modified budget would be
presented after the LS polls.

He said that Gujarat government’s own tax income has increased to Rs 71,549 crore in the year
2017-18 from Rs 64,443 crores. The GSDP at Rs 3.15 lakh crore during 2017-18, has also seen a
growth of 14 per cent over previous year.

During the year 2017-18, the per capita income of the State at current prices stood at Rs 1,71,652,
which is 12.6 per cent higher than previous year. The share of Gujarat’s industrial output in national
output stood at 16.8 per cent.

Gujarat Budget High Lights :

#Gujarat has increased renewable energy capacity from 4,126 MW in 2013 to 8,885 MW presently.
The state plans to increase the capacity to 30,000 MW by 2022. Of this, 20,000 MW will be for
Gujarat while 10,000 MW will be made available for other states.

Rs 6,595 crore allocated for #SardarSarovarProject A total allocation of Rs 7,157 crore has been made for #Sauni #Yojana and other #Water Supply

#Gujarat government allocates Rs 260 crore for the ancillary development of the #StatuteOfUnity
#Gujarat government allocates Rs 7,111 crore for #Agriculture and #farmers welfare department

For the first time, the state #budget is worth more than Rs 2 lakh crore i.e. Rs 2,04,815 crore. We
are all part of this historic occasion

Under second phase of Sauni Yojana, the work of laying pipelines up to three important dams for
Jamnagar, Gondal and Bhavnagar has been completed. It has been planned to fill 35 reservoirs and
more than 100 check dams as per the availability of Narmada water

#Government to spend Rs 20,000 crore over the next three years to ensure no household in

#Gujarat is left with a tap for drinking water. For this year Rs 4,500 crore of provision has been
made for Nal Se Jal Yojana

A total provision of Rs 61 crore has been made for providing assistance for purchasing various
equipment’s by Village Milk Producers' cooperatives and individual members and to provide subsidy
to Milk Producers' Cooperatives Federation of Saurashtra and Kutch #GujaratBudget

A new veterinary college at #Himmatnagar under Kamdhenu University is proposed.Initial provision
of ₹1 cr for the same. Provision of ₹134 cr to establish 4000 dairy farms each having 12 milch cattle.
Government of #Gujarat allocates Rs 123 crore for new Shetrunjay Division and Rs 112 crore for
conservation and breeding of wildlife and to protect endangered species.

It is proposed to upgrade GG Hospital, Jamnagar with improved facilities and as part of first phase,
provision of ₹25 crore for ‘Maternity Child’ hospital block: Deputy CM and #Gujarat Finance Minister,

#Gujarat is the first state in the country to declare policy on “Reuse of Treated Waste Water”.
Provision of ₹199 cr for various projects under this policy 600 Million cubic meter water will be stored by constructing a barrage on Narmada river under Bhadbhut scheme by stopping saline water ingress into the basin of #Narmada during high tide.

Provision of ₹80 cr to provide free education, hostel and mess facilities to approximately 15,000 girls
studying in 151 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalays across #Gujarat

New 5,000 classrooms to be built in primary schools, which will provide better education facilities to
approximately 1.5 lakh students, for which provision of ₹454 crore has been made

To provide house to all by the year 2022, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is being implemented. 4.80
lakh houses have been sanctioned under this scheme. Provision of ₹1,248 cr for this scheme.

Six laning of Sarkhej Gandhinagar highway at the cost of ₹867 cr is in progress which includes
construction of nine flyover – railway over bridges including elevated corridor of 4.5 kilometers
Gujarat Government allocates Rs 221 crore to extend services of ST by 1,000 new buses will be
provided by the State Government through Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation, in which
electric and CNG-run buses will be included.

– Rs. 500 crore revolving reserved fund for zero per cent loan to farmers.
– A total of Rs 620 crore disbursed to farmers till now under Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet
train in Gujarat.
– 5,000 hectare saline coastal padtar government land to be allotted to shrimp farming.
– Gujarat’s economy registered growth of 11.2 percent during 2017-18.
– Increase in VAT subsidy on per litre of diesel by Rs 3 for fishermen.
– In addition to routine allocation for water development Rs 329 cr proposed to repair
check dams.
– ‘sex semen lab’ in Patan with an outlay of Rs 47.5 crore.
– New fishing dock in Valsad district.
– Daily allowance given to families of fishermen caught by Pakistan Marine Agency
doubled to Rs 300.
– University for organic agriculture in Halol in Central Gujarat.
– Monthly widow pension increased by Rs 250 (Rs. 1250, up from Rs. 1200). widows to
get pension irrespective of son’s age.
– Income threshold for availing Ma Scheme has been increased from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 4
