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Sankatmochan (Rashtriya Kutumb Sahay) scheme

Bhavesh Chothani
2 minute read
#sankatmochan Kutumb Sahay (Familly Assistance) Scheme In Gujarat: The main breadwinner has to be a family member whose income constituted a major share of the family’s total earnings. The death of such a bread-earner should have occurred whilst she/he is above 18 years of age and below 60 years of age.

Who can get the benefits?

  • The death of the main earning person (female or male) of the family with a score of poverty line 1 to 2 is natural or accidental death is beneficial to the family.
  • The age of the male or female dying should be above 6 years and below 6 years.
  • Application must be made within 7 years after death.
Sankatmochan (Rashtriya Kutumb Sahay) scheme
Sankatmochan (Rashtriya Kutumb Sahay) scheme

What is the benefit?

The family earning Rs. 6,7 / - is funded through DBT (Direct Account Deposit).

Where to get the application form?

Collector Office, Mamladar Office, Public Service Center.

Where to apply?

Under this scheme, the concerned taluka Mamlatdar has to apply for all urban or rural areas.
The amount of assistance to the beneficiary is dbt in the beneficiary's account. Deposited by.

Note: - The taluka Mamlatdaris have the power to approve the amount under this scheme.

#sankatmochan Form Click Here || More Details