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SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Bhavesh Chothani
6 minute read

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020. Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for engagement as apprentices under the Apprentice Act 1961 (as amended from time to time) at SBI Careers.

Candidates can apply for SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020 engagement in one state only. Candidates can appear for the examination only once under this engagement project. SBI Careers process of registration for SBI Apprentice 2020 notification is complete only when fee is deposited with the Bank through online mode on or before the last date for payment of fees. Candidates are requested to apply Online through the link given on the following website or or or or careers. 

SBI Careers

SBI Recruitment latest information available at SBI Careers. SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020 declared by State Bank of India. SBI Apprentice 2020 notification published on 20th November, 2020. SBI Apprentice exam 2020 related information will be available on this post. SBI Apprentice notification 2020 read or download from given below link, SBI Apprentice 2020 Apply Online link also given in this post. Read SBI Apprentice 2020 notification carefully and apply online for this recruitment.

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020

SBI Recruitment

The origin of the State Bank of India goes back to the first decade of the nineteenth century with the establishment of the Bank of Calcutta in Calcutta on 2 June 1806. Three years later the bank received its charter and was re-designed as the Bank of Bengal (2 January 1809). A unique institution, it was the first joint-stock bank of British India sponsored by the Government of Bengal. The Bank of Bombay (15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (1 July 1843) followed the Bank of Bengal. These three banks remained at the apex of modern banking in India till their amalgamation as the Imperial Bank of India on 27 January 1921. Read State Bank of India recruitment details in this post.

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SBI Careers

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020

State wise seats of apprentices, State wise Local languages, District wise training seats, Age, Education qualification, Duration of training, Training, Stipend, Selection Process, Examination Centres, Fees and other related parameters are mentioned in advertisement.

Advertisement No: CRPD/APPR/2020-21/07

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020 Full Detail






Graduation from a recognised University/ Institute. (As on 31.10.2020)


Minimum 20 years and maximum 28 years as on 31.10.2020 i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 01.11.1992 and not later than 31/10/2000 (both days inclusive). Maximum age indicated is for unreserved and EWS candidates. Relaxation in upper age limit is applicable as per Government of India guidelines for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates. 


The apprentices are eligible for stipend of Rs.15000/- per month during 1st year, Rs.16500/- per month during 2nd year and Rs.19000/- per month during 3rd year. The apprentices are not eligible for any other allowances/ benefits.


Selection for engagement of apprentices would be based on the basis of 

  • Online written test 
  • Test of local language

SBI Apprentice exam 2020

The online examination will be held in January 2021 (Tentatively). The Tentative List of examination centers are given in SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020 notification

SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020 Important Dates

  • Commencement of on-line registration of application: 20/11/2020
  • Closure of registration of application: 10/12/2020
  • Closure for editing application detail: 10/12/2020
  • Last date for printing your application: 25/12/2020
  • Online Fee Payment: 20/11/2020 to 10/12/2020

SBI Apprentice 2020 Notification

SBI Apprentice Recruitment notification 2020 given on below link.

SBI Apprentice Recruitment Notification

APPLY ONLINE for SBI Apprentice 2020

SBI Apprentice Recruitment Apply Online 

For More Bank Job Click here

SBI Apprentice Recruitment GENERAL INFORMATION

  • The Candidate should NOT have undergone Apprenticeship either in SBI or in any other organisation earlier or pursuing Apprenticeship Training as per the apprenticeship Act 1961 as amended.
  • Candidates who had training or job experience for a period of one year or more after the attainment of the educational qualifications, shall NOT be eligible for being engaged as Apprentices.
  • SBI shall have no obligation to offer regular employment to Apprentices during and/or after the completion of the apprenticeship period. After completion of Apprenticeship period, candidates will be relieved from the respective work area.
  • SBI Careers The decision of the Bank will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, cancellation of the selection process either in part or full etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Filling up of the seats is solely at the discretion of the Bank based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to unsuitability / insufficient number of candidates.
  • Online applications which are incomplete shall not be considered as “Eligible” and treated as “Rejected”.
  • Candidates should satisfy themselves about their eligibility for engagement in apprentice. The Bank would admit to the test all the candidates applying for the apprentice on the basis of the information furnished in the online application and shall determine their eligibility only at the time of document verification. Admission to tests will be purely provisional without verification of age/qualification/category (SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ PWD), etc. of the candidates with reference to documents.
  • Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online well before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website jam.
SBI Recruitment latest information available on SBI Careers. SBI Apprentice Recruitment 2020 declared by State Bank of India. Please read SBI Apprentice 2020 notification carefully and apply online for this recruitment.

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