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Airports Authority of India Recruitment Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control) Score Card 2022

Bhavesh Chothani
8 minute read

Airports Authority of India Recruitment 20222., Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control), Airports Authority of India Recruitment 2022,  Our site Gkexam provides information about all types of new jobs, academic news, and competitive exam materials in Gujarat and India. Our site is famous for the preparation for competitive exams. We provide study materials for GPSC, GSSSB, GPSSB, Talati, Constable, and other Government jobs. Visit Gkexam every day for the latest job updates and study materials.

AAI Recruitment 20222

Airports Authority of India (AAI), a Government of India Public Sector Enterprise constituted by an Act of Parliament, is entrusted with creating, upgrading, maintaining, and managing civil aviation infrastructure on the ground and in air space in the country. AAI has been conferred with the Mini Ratna Category-1 Status.

Airports Authority of India Recruitment 2022

AAI Recruitment

AAI Recruitment of Managers and Junior Executives in various disciplines. Airports Authority of India invites applications from eligible candidates to apply ON-LINE through AAI's Website,, for the following posts. No application through any other mode will be accepted. 


Post Name:

  • Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control)

Total Posts: 400

AAI Jobs

Educational Qualification

  • Full-Time Regular Bachelor's Degree of three years in Science (B.Sc) with Physics and Mathematics.
  • Full-Time Regular Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in any discipline. (Physics & Mathematics should be subjects in any of the semester's curricula). 
  • The candidate shall have minimum proficiency in both spoken and written English of the level of 10+2 standard (the candidate shall have passed English as one of the subjects in 10th or 12th standard)

1. Degree should be:-

(i) From a Recognized/Deemed university or from an apex institution, i.e. (IIT/IIMs/XLRI/TISS, etc.) recognized by Govt. of India and
(ii) Percentage of marks: - Minimum 60% marks or equivalent for Bachelor's Degree
2. Candidates having B.E./B. Tech/ B. Sc. (Engg.) Degrees are allowed to apply against the post for which essential qualification is prescribed as Bachelor's Degree in Engineering.
3. Departmental candidates possessing recognized degrees per the required minimum qualification obtained through part-time/ correspondence/ distance education mode shall be eligible to apply.

AAI Aero Careers

Age Limit:

  • The maximum age limit is 27 years as of 14.07.2022.

Pay Scale (IDA)

  • Manager (E-3):- Rs.60000-3%-180000
  • Junior Executive (E-1):- Rs.40000-3%-140000

In addition to Basic pay, Dearness Allowance, Perks @ 35% of Basic pay, HRA, and other benefits, which include CPF, Gratuity, Social Security Schemes, Medical benefits, etc., are admissible as per AAI rules.

Important Instructions:

  • Only Indian Nationals fulfilling eligibility criteria can apply for the above posts.
  • Candidates whose result for the final year examination is awaited are allowed to appear in the online test, subject to the condition that they will produce the final result at the time of document verification.
  • Age, Experience, and all other eligibility criteria shall be reckoned as of 30.11.2020.
  • Vacancies reserved for OBC (NCL) category are available to OBC candidates belonging to the Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) only as per the Govt. of India Guidelines.
  • Where a specialization is required in the qualifying degree in the essential qualification, the candidate must submit a certificate from the University / Institution clearly specifying the field in the qualifying degree.
  • Candidates can apply for multiple numbers of posts with a separate registration for each position, subject to the condition that they fulfill all other eligibility criteria required for the work and deposit the fee separately for each post as applicable.

Selection Process:

  • Before applying for the posts, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the Advertisement. Furnishing of wrong/false information will lead to disqualification, and AAI will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing such wrong/incorrect information.
  • Based on the details furnished in the application form, candidates shall be called for an Online examination, and admit cards shall be issued accordingly. The admit card for the online test will be sent to the eligible candidates on their registered Email IDs only.
  • There will not be any negative marking for the wrong answer attempted by the candidates.
  • Candidates will be shortlisted based on their performance in the Online examination. They will be called for Documents verification / Interview / Physical Measurement and Endurance Test/ Driving Test/ Voice test, as applicable for the post.

How to Apply

  • Candidates must apply Online through the link available on under the tab "CAREERS." No other means/mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances.
  • An incomplete application will be summarily rejected.
  • Candidates should have a valid personal email ID and Mobile Number. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment process. The candidates are requested to check regularly their email/AAI's website for any communication from AAI.

Important Dates

  • Opening date for Online Applications: 15.06.2022
  • Last date for Online Application: 14.07.2022
  • Tentative Date of Online Examination (Discipline wise): Will be announced on AAI Website-
Score Card for the Computer Based Test conducted on 27th July 2022 for the post of Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control) under Advertisement No. 02/2022 will be available on the AAI website from 04thOctober, 2022 (11:00 AM) till 18th October 2022 (11:55 PM).

ADVERTISEMENT NO. 02/2022 Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control) Score Card:: Click Here

General Instructions:

  • Before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the Advertisement. He/She may cross-check the information, such as Date of Birth, Category,  Sub-Category  [SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PWD/EWS/Ex-Serviceman] and email Id, etc., furnished in the application form before finally submitting the same as no correction would be possible later.
  • Candidates are advised to apply online before the closing date of application mentioned in this Advertisement and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to the AAI's website on account of heavy load on the internet/website jam/disconnection.
  • AAI will not take any responsibility for the candidates being unable to submit their applications within the last date on account of the reasons described above or for any other cause beyond the control of the AAI.
  • The online examination will be held in various major cities across India. The place of examination centers can be increased or decreased, depending upon the number of candidates. In that case, candidates will be asked to appear at any other place of examination centers other than those specified by them.
  • The decision of AAI Management regarding the eligibility criteria, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection to the post, etc., shall be final and binding on all candidates. Mere fulfilling the minimum qualification, Experience, and job requirement will not infringe on candidates being called for document verification/interview. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates found ineligible and not called for document verification/ interview.
  • AAI  reserves the right to modify/alter/restrict/enlarge/cancel the recruitment process if the need arises without issuing any further notice or assigning any reasons whatsoever. The decision of the AAI Management will be final, and no appeal will be entertained in this regard.
  • All correspondence with candidates shall be done through email, and all general information shall be provided through the AAI  website. The candidate shall be responsible for receiving,  downloading, and printing call letters for documents verification/interview/offer of appointment/any other information. AAI will not be liable for any loss of email sent due to an invalid/wrong email ID  provided by the candidate or for delay/non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her mail/AAI website in time.
  • Candidature of the registered candidates is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment/joining in case any information provided by the candidate is found false or is not in conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this Advertisement.
  • AAI will not bear any liability on account of salary / leave salary/pension contribution etc., if any, of previous employment of any candidate already working in Central Government / State Government / Autonomous Body / Public Sector Undertaking.
  • No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the Online examination. 

Official Advertisement Here || Apply Online 

Airports Authority of India Recruitment Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control) Score Card 2022 @

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