Bagayati Vikas Mission Yojana Full Detail | Mukhyamantri Bagayati Vikas Mission Yojna Apply Online
The Chief Minister of Gujarat has taken a historic decision to increase the cultivable land of the state. To this end, he has announced the 'Mukhyamantri Bagayati Vikas Mission' as an important step with a plan to expand the cultivation of horticultural as well as medicinal crops with the holistic development of agriculture and horticulture sector. Bagayati Vikas Mission Yojana full detail given in this post. Agricultural development is a challenge in the state due to arid and semi-arid as well as saline coastal areas. However, with its unique ability to turn disaster into opportunity, the government has kept Gujarat at the forefront of the country's agricultural growth rate in terms of Krushi Mahotsav, Soil Health Card, Jal Sanchay Abhiyan, Drip Irrigation, Sat Pagala Khedut Kalyan Na, Kisan Suryodaya Yojana and Mukhyamantri Pak Sangraha Yojana.
Mukhyamantri Bagayati Vikas Mission
Under this scheme, government cultivated lands in various districts of Gujarat will be allotted on long term lease of 30 years. The main objective of this Mukhyamantri Bagayati Vikas Mission is to generate more income from the cultivation of horticultural and medicinal crops by making the fallow lands fertile and to increase the export-export ratio and create new employment opportunities through valuation of such crop products.
In order to achieve the target of doubling the income of farmers by 2022, the Gujarat government has decided to lease the fallow land to farmers for five years without any rent by making it eligible for horticulture and medicinal crops with the help of modern technology.
For this land which will be leased for 30 years, from the sixth year to the 30th year, Rs. The Gujarat government has decided to charge only Rs 100 to Rs 500, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani announced today.
Land:: Chief Minister Vijay Rupani today announced that it has also decided to give priority to applications for power connection on leased land under the policy. The government will also take a security deposit by leasing the land. Provision has been made to extend the lease after 30 years.
In the first phase of this scheme prepared with Horticulture Development Mission, fallow lands of Kutch, Surendranagar, Patan, Sabarkantha and Banaskantha districts will be given for horticulture and medicinal crops. Approximately 50,000 acres of uncultivated land in these five states will be leased, making them eligible for cultivation.
To get this land one has to apply on i-farmer portal. A minimum of 125 acres and a maximum of 1000 acres of land will be provided under this project. Details of the crop for which the land is taken should be given along with the application. This is expected to increase horticulture and medicinal crops.
Efforts will be made to create new jobs by increasing the yield of agricultural and medicinal crops. At the same time, clusters of processing will be set up by setting up export oriented units in the area. Value-added industries will be set up there for post-harvest processing.
The selection of land blocks eligible for allotment from non-fertile government lands for the critical implementation of the scheme will be decided by a committee to be constituted under the chairmanship of the Collector. Applications for land on lease will be scrutinized and verified by a state level technical committee.
The final decision on allotment of land on lease will be in the hands of the High Power Committee chaired by the Chief Minister. If the leased land is returned before the stipulated period of 30 years, no compensation will be given to them by the government. The lessee will not be given the status of a farmer.
Under this scheme, a way has been opened to take horticultural crop and add value to it and export it directly. The Horticulture Development Mission will result in new employment opportunities, the Chief Minister said. Gujarat has 196 lakh hectares of land. Out of this, 98 lakh hectares of land is under cultivation. In this situation, there is a lot of potential for horticultural crops and medicinal crops in fallow lands.
In the financial year 2019-20, horticultural crops were harvested in 4.46 lakh hectares of land in Gujarat. It contributed 9.20 per cent to the country's fruit and vegetable production with 92.61 lakh metric tonnes. As the area under crop cultivation is increasing by 20000 hectares, crops like pomegranate, guava, kharek and papaya have started growing in large numbers in North Gujarat.
Kutch, Banaskantha, Patan, Sabarkantha and Surendranagar have the first choice of these five districts for this scheme as the drinking water system is good. No one other than the lessee can cultivate horticultural or medicinal crops on it. Land leased to Deemed N.A. Done land will be considered.
Leaseholders will receive up to 70 percent subsidy for drip-sprinklers
Under the leased land scheme announced by the Gujarat government to increase horticultural crops and medicinal crops, if the lessee adopts a modern method and technological drip sprinkler system, he will be given the benefit or assistance as per the existing rules. For drip or sprinkler irrigation up to 70 per cent of the eligible cost will be provided by the government as per the prevailing norms.
Priority in power connection: Solar panels can be installed
Priority will be given to those who apply for electricity connection for cultivation on fallow land. A farmer who leases land and cultivates horticultural or medicinal crops will be able to install solar panels on the land but will not be able to sell the electricity generated and consumed. This electrical connection will be considered as agricultural connection. Installation of solar panels for motors and pumpsets will not be allowed. Can install solar panel or wind power panel for self use. 25 per cent of the cost incurred for installing the plan will be provided as assistance. Land on lease will be exempted from converted tax.
Bagayati Vikas Mission Yojana Full Detail
- Government lands will be leased for horticulture-medicinal cultivation for a period of 30 years.
- No rent for the first five years.
- Kutch, Surendranagar, Patan, Sabarkantha and Banaskantha five districts included in the first phase of the scheme.
- Govt's move to double farmer's income by giving more impetus to horticulture and medicinal crops in the Gujarat state.
- Approximately 50,000 acres of non-arable land will be cultivated across the state.
- The list of land blocks for allotment of land in a transparent manner will be made public on the i-farmer portal.
- Lease holders for the project will be given priority assistance as per the existing standards for modern technological drip-sprinkler-fountain system.
Bagayati Vikas Mission Scheme
Out of 196 lakh hectares of land in the state of Gujarat, 50 per cent i.e. 98 lakh hectares of land is under cultivation and there is ample potential for cultivation of horticultural and medicinal crops in fallow and non-fertile lands. In Gujarat, in the year 2019-20, with the planting of fruits in 4.46 lakh hectares and production of 92.61 lakh metric tons, it has contributed 9.20% to the total production of fruits and vegetables in the country. According to the Mukhyamantri Bagayati Vikas Mission, approximately 20,000 hectares of non-fertile government fallow land in the state for horticultural and medicinal crops will be allotted on a 30-year lease only for cultivation of such crops in the areas determined by the state government and survey number. As a result, proper use of non-fertile government fallow lands will be encouraged to increase the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, spices and medicinal crops. Gujarat's contribution to the country's GDP will be at the forefront as new employment opportunities arise by increasing the state's agricultural production and income. As a result of the success of the Mukhyamantri Bagayati Vikas Mission of providing irrigation water in the districts of Kutch, Banaskantha, Patan, Sabarkantha and Surendranagar in the state of Gujarat, the non-fertile lands of these areas have also been converted into orchards with the use of modern technology.
Bagayati Vikas Mission Yojana Full Details News Report Here