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Eklavya Model Residential Schools Recruitment 3479 vacancies |

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Ministry of Tribal Affairs to fill 3479 vacancies in the Eklavya Model Residential Schools@ The Ministry of Tribal Affairs through its autonomous body, the National Education Society for Tribal Students has embarked on a major drive to fill around 3479 vacancies of teaching staff in the Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) in 17 States across the country. This will result in the positioning of quality human resources in the EMRSs resulting in improved educational standards in the EMRSs. The teaching staff in 4 different posts of Principal, Vice Principal, PGTs, and TGTs will be recruited through a centralized computer-based test followed by inter-views (excluding TGTs) to be conducted by respective States. The recruitment shall be done state-wise based on state specific vacancy as tabulated below:

Gujarat Adijati Vikas Nigam Recruitment 2021 Gujarat Tribal Development Corporation Recruitment Application Form Available at official site

GTDC Recruitment 2021-Gujarat Tribal Development Corporation, Tribal Development Department, Government of Gujarat has released notification for the recruitment of various posts. 

Eklavya Model Residential Schools Recruitment 3479 vacancies

The Ministry was set up in 1999 after the bifurcation of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to provide a more focused approach on the integrated socio-economic development of the Scheduled Tribes (STs).
The programs and schemes of the Ministry are intended to support and supplement other Central Ministries, State Governments, and partly of voluntary organizations, and to fill critical gaps in institutions and programs taking into account the situation of STs through financial assistance. These schemes comprising economic, educational, and social development through institution building are administered by the Ministry and implemented mainly through the State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations. The Ministry also supplements the efforts of other Ministries by way of various developmental interventions in critical sectors through specially tailored schemes.

The recruitment drive has been initiated jointly with respective States in order to meet the rising demand of teachers for the clear vacancies in already functional schools and schools going to be functional this year, calculated after excluding the posts currently filled by regular and ad-hoc/contractual staff. Modalities for the existing ad-hoc/contractual staff shall be taken at a later stage in consultation with different stakeholders The portal for receiving the applications will open from 1.4.2021 to 30.04.2021 with the exams tentatively scheduled in the 1st week of June. For details of the portal and the final dates, please visit recruitment. and

Eklavya Model Residential Schools Recruitment 3479 vacancies

Eklavya Model Residential Schools 3479 vacancies Vidhayasahayak Bharti 2021

Name of Organization: Eklavya Model Residential Schools

Total No.of Posts: 3479

Name of the Posts:  Teacher

Note: full details of Educational qualification, Age limit, Pay scale, Grade pay, selection process etc details candidates required to visit official notification which links given available shortly at
How to Apply Vidyashayak Bharti? -  apply Online through the website before 30.04.2021.

Important Date:
  • Starting Date: 1.4.2021  
  • Last date:30.04.2021
Important Links: 

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