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Y-Break Protocol APP : Five-minute yoga in ministry and government offices to de-stress employees

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3 minute read

Y-Break  App: Earlier, the Ministry of Ayush had launched a ‘Y-Break’ mobile application consisting of asanas, pranayama, and meditation.

As per a DoPT order, it was designed and developed for the workplace by an expert committee in 2019 and the module was launched in January 2020, on a pilot project basis in six major metro cities — Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Kolkata — and the feedback was found to be encouraging.

Y-Break Protocol APP

The participants were selected taking into consideration them having various problems such as lower back pain, headache, anger, and stress.

I am writing to you regarding the Y-Break protocol which is a yoga protocol consisting of very few useful yoga practices devised to de-stress, refresh and re-focus on work to increase the productivity of individuals at workplaces. 

The concept of ''Yoga Break' (Y-Break) is relevant to working professionals all over the world. It has been carefully developed by eminent experts and is a well-tested protocol. 

The study showed positive outcomes. The encouraging results were reported by all participating establishments. 

It was also recognized that a yoga break at the workplace enables one to relax fully and frees the practitioners physically and mentally often heightening intuitions and creativity.

MDNIY Director Ishwar V. Basavaraddi said, “Asanas help to open up the chest cavity, improves lung capacity, and increases cardiopulmonary function, which leads to maintaining physical activity for longer.”

“Nadi Shodhana Pranayama balances sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Bhramari Pranayama facilitates the production and release of nitric oxide (NO) which helps to reduce stress and helps blood pressure by dilating arteries, improving blood circulation, and maintaining the supply of oxygen to the heart. 

Dhyana helps maintain focus and concentration and also in reducing anxiety, tiredness, and depression,” Mr. Basavaraddi said.

“In order to spread awareness about access and usage of Y-Break protocol/app among the workforce for all sectors (public/private), all ministries/departments of the government of India are requested to promote the usage of Y-Break protocol among the employees,” said the order from DoPT.

The DoPT has also asked government departments to issue necessary guidelines for all employees including those of sub-ordinate offices to promote the use of Y-Break. Official Letter Click Here.

Y-Break Protocol App Download Here

The yoga protocol in the Y-Break application comprises simple yogic practices such as Tadasana, Urdhva-hastottanasana, Skandha Chakra, Uttanamandukasana, Kati Chakrasana, Ardhachakrasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, deep breathing, Nadishodhana Pranayama, and Bhramari Pranayama.

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